Inspire Within

Life of Distractions - Inspire Within Devotions

Inspire Within • Jul 05, 2021

Inspire Within Devotion


You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

Jeremiah 29:13, ESV


With the busyness of our everyday lives, things can easily distract us from seeking God. It may feel as if we can’t fit one more thing in our day. The thought of reading our Bibles and praying daily becomes no more than a thought and may leave us with the weight of guilt. Life gets in the way sometimes and that’s okay. God understands. Just remember that God is the only thing that can truly satisfy in this life. Let us seek God with all of our heart by fitting our life around God instead of fitting God in our life. 


Maybe you can relate to feeling distant from God. Or your life is distracting you from your relationship with God. God is still there. Take the time right now to talk to God, read His Word, or praise Him through worship. Distractions don’t matter, as long as you continue the draw near to Him regularly. If you feel like you can’t fit anything else into your life, consider cutting back on some things that are not mandatory. Make a list of ways to dear more near to God in your daily life.


"Just remember that God is the only thing that can truly satisfy in this life."


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