Prayer | How to Pray Powerful Prayers to God with PRAY Acronym

Janee Hughes • Jan 10, 2023

Learn How to Pray to God and Why to Pray

As Christians, prayer is not only crucial but also one of the most fundamental parts of our relationship with God. It is through prayer that we experience spiritual growth, as we lay our hearts before the Lord Jesus, seeking His guidance, wisdom, and strength. Prayer is the act of communicating with God—where we pour out our deepest desires, fears, hopes, and dreams to the Lord.

However, despite its simplicity, prayer can sometimes appear daunting or overwhelming to believers. We may find ourselves questioning how to pray effectively and why it holds such significance in our spiritual journey. This article is addresses these concerns and provide guidance to Christians seeking a deeper understanding of prayer.

Prayer Time— Praying Powerful Prayers to Our Holy God:

Why Do We Pray?

Before answering the question about how to pray, it is crucial to understand why we should pray in our Christian walk. God has given us the privilege of communicating with Him on a daily basis. Pray is so important because it benefits our faith and the lives of others and ourselves. God can move in mighty and powerful ways through our prayers. There is power in the words we speak.

Prayer time is a foundation in Christianity. The Bible says tells us to “
pray without ceasing” in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (ESV). Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Through prayer, God’s power can give us the strength to get through the worries and troubles of our life. Prayer is not always our natural human instinct, but it is so powerful for our faith. We are powerless without God and need faith and prayer to help us defeat Satan and endure all seasons of our life. Prayer grows our relationship with God, our spouse, our children, and the people around us. Talk to God about the things that you struggle with or worry about in this life. Jesus hears every word that you have to say.

Need peace from anxiety? Pray.

Need a stronger marriage? Pray.

Need strength to parent? Pray.

Need guidance on a decision? Pray.

Need… “fill in the blank”? Pray. Whatever we go through in this life, we have our communication open with God through every wonderful season, dreadful season, and all the seasons in between. Because of our faith and prayer life, we truly have an intimate, personal relationship with God. A intimate relationship with God is what being a Christian is all about.

Interested in a Christian Bible study about prayer? The Daily Grace Co has a powerful Bible study on Prayer to help cultivate a passionate prayer life. In Christianity, it is important to cultivate our prayer life. The Pray Bible Study is a 5-week study that will...

  • Help overcome the lack of a desire to pray
  • Show how to make time for prayer even in busyness
  • Answer questions about why God answers yes to some prayers and no to others
  • Teach how prayer can be a source of strength in times of sorrow, anxiety, and frustration

You can find the Bible study: HERE*

How to Pray to God in Your Prayer Time?

First, we must address that there is no right or wrong way to pray. Phew, what a relief! There is no pressure in prayer. You don't have to say prayers of many words; it doesn't matter how long or short your prayers are. Matthew 6:7 (ESV) says “And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words."

Prayer is talking with God. It increases your faith and spiritual growth. Here is a helpful acronym to guide your spirit in what to pray in your prayer life.

PRAY Acronym:

P— Praise

Praise God for who He is. He is holy. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for all that He has done. Beginning prayer with praise and thanksgiving helps put our focus on God’s sovereignty and His blessings in our life. Even when it seems like there is nothing to pray for, there is always thanks or praise to give to God. 

Example prayer: “Heavenly Father, thank You for the numerous blessings that you have given me. You are in control of every area of my life even the smallest of details. Your works are wonderful. I praise You for being all-knowing. In Jesus Christ Amen.”

R— Repent

We repent our sins to God. We are all guilty of wrongdoings. There is a constant struggle in our flesh to do evil things instead of good. So, we should take the time to admit our struggles and failure. God already knows them and paid the price for our sins through, Jesus Christ, His Son!

Example prayer: “Dear Lord, I confess the sin I have in my heart. I acknowledge that I’m a sinner and in much need of You. I truly need Thee every hour.”

A— Ask

We ask God for requests and petitions. Pray for the prayer requests of friends and family. We all have prayer needs. God welcomes us to ask for our wants and needs. God loves to give good gifts to His Children—for God’s Will is best for our life. The Lord Father hears all your words of request, but it is God's choice to answer in whatever way that He chooses. Just remember that God's way is always best for you!

Example prayer: “Lord God, I have this request on my heart to ask…

Y— Yield

Yield to God’s Will and His holy ways. His Spirit leads us! We should constantly seek God’s way in our life and trust that He knows best. We can ask the Lord to guide us in every area of our life with His Holy Spirit. Let us be specific, if there is an area in that we could be more dependent on Him.

Example prayer: “Father, guide me and help me to know that your way is better than my own. I pray for Your will and timing for my life. Help me yield to Your ways.” 

The ACTS Prayer Method is a great additional guide for our prayer life. Learn more about the ACTS Prayer Method.

Ways to Pray in Your Prayer Life:

Silent Prayers—

The most common prayers are silent prayers. Silent prayers are personal, private, and convenient. It is the easiest way to talk to the Lord. Oftentimes, it can be the only way that people prefer to pray. People don’t usually jump up and down to say a prayer aloud in a public setting. Silent prayers can be spoken to God anytime and anywhere.

Prayers Spoken Aloud—

Some people feel like their prayers are more powerful and personal if they speak the words aloud. Praying aloud is a good way to pray Scripture over our current circumstances or other people’s circumstances. Prayers are often spoken aloud to pray over a friend or in a group setting. The Holy Spirit can even give us the words to say. Prayers can be spoken aloud wherever we feel comfortable, such as on a work commute or in any private space. Many people enjoy the powerful and effective experience of speaking prayers aloud.

Prayer Journal—

Prayer journals are a meaningful way to communicate with God. Several people love to have a prayer journal because they find it effective for expressing all of their thoughts. Through prayer journals, they can document years of prayers and have a way to reference back to them to see how God moved in their life. A prayer journal is a perfect fit for people who enjoy writing their thoughts on paper. Some people prefer typing their prayers on a phone or computer. 

Continue to Grow Your Prayer Life

Whether you are just starting your spiritual journey or have been on it for years, prayer can be a powerful way to grow your connection with our Lord. Hope that this article has been an encouragement to make prayer time feel less daunting. As you continue to grow spiritually, may you find comfort in knowing that God is always listening and eager to hear from you. Whether you choose to pray in the solitude of your room, outdoors in nature, or within the walls of a church, know that your words are heard from Him.

In these moments of prayer, take the time to pour out your heart, express your gratitude, seek guidance, and offer praise.

The key is to be authentic in your communication with God. He desires a genuine connection with you, and your unique way of praying is a beautiful expression. May your prayer life continue to grow stronger as you deepen your relationship with our Lord Jesus!

*As an affiliate, we earn a small percentage of each purchase you make through these links to continue supplying you with godly resources.

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Waiting on the Lord - Godly patience
By Keshia Cunningham 23 Apr, 2024
God does expect us to be patient. He expects us to not act or react in a hasty manner especially in certain situations. When we react without exhibiting patience, this often has negative repercussions. God included “patience” as a fruit of the Spirit which is meant to allow us to grow and walk in the Spirit of the Lord. “ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, ” Galatians 5:22, NIV I’m sure we all can think about a time when we were kids and were impatient. We wanted something right away but we had to be patient. From wanting to be first in line, the first one to see something, or simply wanting our parents to leave the grocery. Of course, our parents told us to be patient. Now we all either have kids or have interacted with kids at some point. We’ve seen them become impatient and we try to calm them down. We tell them to be patient and to sit still. This is how God wants us to be as well. God doesn’t want us to rush. He wants us to slow down while learning patience. Many of us want to rush the process. The “instant gratification” has become so popular. We can get food delivered, cars delivered, and charge our phones almost anywhere nowadays. We have gotten so used to getting what we want instantly that we often forget that sometimes patience is needed on this journey. The goal isn’t always being first. It’s about being patient and obedient to the will of God. If God is calling us to wait and to have patience, then that’s what we should do. To be completely honest, I sometimes get a little hasty myself. I want to do things my way. I don’t want to wait on God and see what He says. I recently realized that God will slow you down when you aren’t listening to Him and refusing to be patient. A quick story: I was at a certain place where it takes quite a while to get checked in. This was my first time going there, so I was a little anxious. By the time I had made it to the back of this establishment, I was tired and I wanted to simply rush the process. I went to have a seat and I thought to myself, that the exchange that this person and I had was a little short and quickened. That’s not the impression I want to leave at any place. In that moment, I asked God to calm me down. I asked Him to help me change my attitude and focus on what’s important. He told me to, “be patient”. I immediately sensed a calmness come over me. I knew that God saw, felt, and heard everything I had just experienced and that I didn’t like it. A complete shift in my attitude changed the trajectory of my day. I’ve been back to that certain place and I am mindful of the people who are there. I am mindful of my interactions because we’re all in need of something and me being patient can help them get me through the process a lot faster. “ Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. ” Romans 12:12, NIV God wants us all to be loving, kind, and patient individuals who lead others into positivity. There are going to be times when we don’t feel like being with others and even ourselves. That is why it’s important to become acquainted with Bible verses, so that when anxiety comes in, we can push it out with the word of God. We can always take our anxious thoughts to God in prayer. God is with us. He knows what we are feeling and what we are thinking. That alone shows us that we can be patient and trust in Him. “ Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God .” Philippians 4:6, NIV
Sunflower in the sunshine (Finding Peace through Christ)
By Keshia Cunningham 20 Mar, 2024
True peace can only be found in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To be fully at peace in the Christian walk starts with having a relationship with Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus gives us some crucial tools to have peace in this life. Incorporating hope in Jesus, hearing what He has to say, and also allowing Him to heal our brokenness can bring us peace. As we explore these three topics and how they relate to peace, may you rest in Jesus and allow Him to work in our lives to bring about true peace. Hope in Jesus Can Bring Us Peace First, let’s take a moment to understand the definition of Hope . It is “ a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen .” This definition gives us assurance that if we are seeking something, we should be expecting it to happen. We lean on hope that better days are coming for us. We also may lean on hope for a miracle or a great change in our lives. That hope is placed in Jesus. Giving Jesus complete control and having hope in Him to do what’s best for us also calms our racing thoughts to usher peace into minds. “ That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe ." 1 Timothy 4:10, NIV Hearing Jesus Speak to Us Can Bring Peace Secondly, peace can be found by simply hearing what Jesus is telling us. One of the ways we can hear what Jesus is saying to us is through prayer. He doesn’t use harshness when reacting to our prayers. Jesus hears us and shows us that He is truth and life. Not only do we have the opportunity to have an open conversation, but we have the honor of hearing what we need to have peace. The beauty of Jesus and walking Him, is that He doesn't leave us hanging. He gives the answers we need which will always lead us to peace of mind. “ As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built .” Luke 6:47-48, NIV True Healing Can Bring Us Peace And lastly, in order to have peace in our lives, we must work on healing. Jesus gives the tools we need to heal. We must allow Him to help us work through our concerns. Healing allows us to have clear space in our minds, in order to think of all of the good things that Jesus has done for us. To be free from the trauma of the past, overthinking, and clutter, can bring us peace. Letting go of all the negative experiences brings us great, profound peace and hope. It all begins with taking the first step of letting Jesus have control over our lives to move toward peace. True healing is found in Jesus! “ You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you .” Isaiah 26:3, NIV In conclusion, these are a few ways that we can find peace in Jesus Christ. When it seems like all hope is lost, it can be found in Him. Peace isn’t something that any of us can borrow or buy. It can only be obtained through faith and also hope through Jesus. Surrendering to Jesus’ plans for our lives will always bring us peace. The peace that truly surpasses all understanding. May you open your heart and let Him fill it with an immense amount of peace.
JOY | Remaining Joyful in Uncertain Times
By Keshia Cunningham 20 Feb, 2024
There is a distinct difference between happy and being joyful. Being happy usually involves something that is acquired from outside of you. Being joyful is usually associated with feeling excitement on the inside. The feeling of joy isn’t necessarily dependent on what’s going on around you, but rather what’s going on inside of you. Joy will always bring you peace because being happy is often short-lived. Being joyful, especially as a Christian living in this world, can at times be challenging. These days it’s important to not become weary but to be joyful. We shouldn’t focus our attention on the negative aspects of life. We can’t sit in the things that are going on around us. We must focus on the good things in life that bring us great joy. It’s some of the simple things that can bring us joy. Waking up to another day that the Lord has made, thanking the Lord for that cup of coffee, and spending time with our loved ones that the Lord has blessed us with can bring us joy. Joy is Found in the Lord Joy is found in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The One who shed his blood for our soul brings me great joy. Whenever I find myself feeling unhappy and in need of joy, I turn to the Word of God. I’m reminded of a timely Bible verse in the book of Psalms that often soothes my worries and anxieties. It’s an encouraging message from David to be glad, rejoice in the Lord and praise God. This is such an encouraging Bible verse because no matter what things may appear to be, we can always give glory to God in all circumstances. “ Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart! ” Psalm 32:11, NIV Joy is Found in Serving Others If we ever lack the feeling of being joyful, we can take the emphasis off of ourselves to serve others. This not only brings comfort to the person you’re helping but this will also bring joy into your heart. You’re doing the work of God just by helping bring light into their life. The love and light you gave them will spread onto someone else. Being a cheerful giver pleases God and brings hope to the world. “ The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed .” Proverbs 11:25, NIV Joy is Found in Every Season Every moment in our life may not be happy moments, however, that doesn’t mean that we can’t find the simple joys in everyday living. During our times of despair, it may seem difficult to seek out joy. When we’re sad or brokenhearted, we can still find comfort in knowing that Jesus is with us always. We weren’t created to be hopeless but to be hopeful and joyful. In Romans, there is a very familiar Bible verse that echoes great encouragement to set our eyes on hope, to rejoice, and pray. This leads us to being joyful. I can’t stress enough how imperative it is to seek The One who gives us all that we need and more. If you ever lack joy in your life, seek Jesus. “ Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer ." Romans 12:12, NIV
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